All projects


Rebat is a flutter mobile application that connects between customers and food retailers that have surplus and quality food to be sold for only half the price


A database-connected python application to save all your passwords, made using tkinter and sqlite3

Encryption - English to propositional logic translator

I made these two projects for the Discrete maths course in my sophomore year at E-Just. One is a very basic Encryption-decryption tool, while the other is a software that translates a bulky paragraph to propositional logic

Personal website
Web development

This is the very website you're seeing, I made it using nextJS, as a CMS, and Tailwind for styling.

Al-Ahly Mortgage Finance
Web development

Created the whole front-end of Al Ahly mortgage finance which is affiliated with what's widely considered the number 1 bank in Egypt. I used svelte (my first time using it) and tailwind for responsive styling.

Space Invaders

I did this project as part of the AP computer science principles exam. I got a 4/5

Machine learning

Integrated Affectiva’s and Zoom’s SDKs in a third party web application, and added a real time graph at the user’s end of his real time emotions and engagements levels, and one to the host with the average levels amongst all the members, as well as a summary report at the end of the meeting sent to the host. The project aims to help increase the engagement levels of students during zoom conference calls.

Spaceship Game
Unity 3D

Developed a 3D video game using unity. The game was made for Nasa space apps’ 19 competition. It aims to educate people about the different space debris and their dangers

Scanning Life forms

A mobile application that is directly connected to a hyperspectral imaging camera drone-based attached to a hygrometer. It displays real-time information; changes in the desired life form and its reformation predictions in a certain timespan. The application synergistically shows the status of any detected lifeform-seed viability, ambience, land cover, humidity on an interactive map

Made and designed by Abdelrahman Rihan © 2023

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