About Me

My name is Abdulrahman Rihan, I'm a junior at Egypt-Japan university for science and technology, and currently located in Cairo, Egypt. I'm a freelance full-stack web developer. I lovee chess and pretty much all mind-challenging games and puzzles, and I am a two times national boxing championship finalist

I have been learning programming since 2016. I started with xml and java for android mobile development, I was super hooked on the fact that I might be able to develop mobile games by myself. I slowly started learning more and more about other programming languages such as python and C++, and gradually disregarded the latter idea. By 2020 I was fully invested in both web development and machine learning

I cofounded my first web development startup that year, but ig I wasn't ready for that yet so we shut it down 6 months after, and for almost two years I honed my skills and started freelancing in 2023.

All-time fav tracks

Made and designed by Abdelrahman Rihan © 2023

Reach out to me via abdelrahman.rihan@ejust.edu.eg