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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Book Review

by sean covey

This book is everything you need to hear and don’t want to. The advices in that book is a literal gem. Although, it is almost impossible to embody everything the book says, you would be a hero by just applying half of it in your everyday life.

The seven habits are being proactive, beginning with an end in mind, putting first things first, thinking win-win (my favorite habit and the one with the deepest influence on my life rn), seeking first to understand then to be understood, synergising, and sharpening the saw. If you are a sharp observer, you’d immediately notice that there is no way the reflection of each habit is everything there is to the habit itself. And you’re right. Actually, every habit includes a few little related habits. Truth is, I think that’s one of the great things about this book; how the writer managed to sum up a very good collection of advices and categorized them each into these seven sections (let’s call them sections).

The only con there is to the book in my opinion, is overly using teens’ statements and quotes. Because, the thing about personal growth advices is that it is starting to be some kind a cliche verbal act. So, when you read something about it for the hundredth time in your life, it helps if there is not a long and boring story to convince you of something everyone already believes to be true.

Other than that, the book is awesome, I’ll give it 8.5/10

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